1-37 GHz quasi-simultaneous spectrum of the blazar Ton 599 (4C +29.45) during its greatest radio flare
Опубликовано: 02 / 2023
Mufakharov T., Mikhailov A. , Kovalev Yu., Volvach A., Sotnikova Yu., Mingaliev M., Volvach L., Semenova T.
We report the historical high flux density level of the flat-spectrum radio quasar Ton 599 (4C +29.45) at 1.2-36.8 GHz. According to the flaring activity at high radio frequencies (ATel#15872, #15873) the blazar showed its historical maximum of the flux densities at 21-230 GHz in late Jan 2023. The RATAN-600 quasi-simultaneous spectra were measured at six frequencies at four epochs in Jan-Feb 2023.