Centimeter Band Modular Radiometers for Continuum Observations at RATAN-600 Radio Telescope

Опубликовано: 12 / 2022
Centimeter Band Modular Radiometers for Continuum Observations at RATAN-600 Radio Telescope
Block diagram of the radiometric unit for 14.4 GHz.

Tsybulev P. G.; Nizhelskij N. A.; Dugin M. V.; Titov V. A.; Prizov P. V.; Borisov A. N.; Kratov D. V.; Udovitskiy P. Yu.

We present three new design solutions—centimeter-band radiometric units and the design of each radio unit. We demonstrate the development of an uncooled tuned receiver based on this unit which is meant for operating in the total-power radiometer mode. In practice the parameters of the new radiometric units are currently close to the limit values for uncooled microwave amplifiers. The new radiometers are designed to be used for continuum observations at the RATAN-600 Radio Telescope. This approach is universal and promising to be applied at any radio telescope.
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