Radio Sources of the Survey on the Declination of the Pulsar in the Crab Nebula (\mathbf{Dec}\boldsymbol{=+22}(\boldsymbol{°}) )

Опубликовано: 05 / 2024
Radio Sources of the Survey on the Declination of the Pulsar in the Crab Nebula (\mathbf{Dec}\boldsymbol{=+22}(\boldsymbol{°}) )
Three more sources: NVSS J091224+220506, NVSS J103633+220312, NVSS J164439+220214, show an increase in flux density. In the source NVSS J013553+215816, a decrease in the radiation level was observed, followed by an increase after six months of observations. The NVSS J043856+ 215157 had two episodes of brightening during the year. The first occurred 80 days after the start of the survey, the second—200 days after the first. In the brightest source of the survey (S_{1.4}>1 Jy) NVSS J060351+215937 (4C +22.12), a candidate for blazars (D’Abrusco et al., 2014) with a power spectrum (\alpha=-0.7), no changes in the radiation level were detected.

Kudryashova A. A.; Bursov N. N.; Trushkin S. A.

The results of the analysis of 205 brightest sources, which were found in the sky survey at the declination of the pulsar in the Crab Nebula, are presented. The survey was conducted at a frequency of 4.7 GHz using a three-beam radiometer complex installed in the focus of the Western Sector of the RATAN-600 radio telescope in 2018-2019. Based on the measurements taken and the data collected in the CATS astrophysical catalogs database, the radio spectra of the objects were constructed. For a quarter of all detected sources, data at frequencies above 4 GHz were obtained for the first time, and for the rest they were supplemented. The variability of radiation sources on the scales of the year, from days to months, has been studied. The greatest change in the radio flux was found in the blazar B2 132422. The search for daily variability was carried out for 26 of the brightest sources with an average value of mJy. All sources are identified with objects from optical and infrared catalogs. The radio luminosity was calculated for 112 objects with known redshifts.
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