RATAN-600 Beam Pattern and Drift Scans of Radio Sources in the Radio Telescope Operation Mode with the West Sector

Опубликовано: 09 / 2023
RATAN-600 Beam Pattern and Drift Scans of Radio Sources in the Radio Telescope Operation Mode with the West Sector
Dependences of the maximum drift scans F_max on dH calculated for surveys N1–N4. The solid lines correspond to
F_max = f(dH) in the West Sector observation mode, the dashed lines correspond to the North Sector. The panels show the source heights H, on which the antenna has been focused in each survey, and the offsets of the primary feeds from the focus.

Majorova E. K.; Bursov N. N.; Trushkin, S. A.

The paper presents results of calculating the RATAN-600 beam pattern (BP) and BP drift scans of point radio sources in the West Sector radio telescope operation mode at a frequency of 4.7 GHz. When calculating the BP, the properties of the radio telescope antenna system in this operation mode were taken into account: the use of a large secondary mirror, asymmetric radiation of the primary mirror, and the location of the primary feeds (feed horns) along the focal line of the secondary mirror. The shape of the calculated drift scans of sources through the BP is compared with that of the experimental drift scans of sources obtained from observations in the West Sector. The main characteristics of the drift scans are calculated and compared when the radio telescope operates with the West and North Sectors. A new
method for determination of flux densities of sources passing through the BP outside its central crosssection is proposed, and its accuracy is estimated.
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